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Websites, Content, Marketing, Results - Who's Your WebAgent?

🟦 Business Consulting

bSundry Technologies offers the full array of bSundry Business Consulting services. You could have the best website in the world but if nobody knows where it is, it's worthless. We offer the greatest website support and Internet marketing service. There's always the option of learning about your website maintenance and marketing along the way.
Website maintenance involves keeping the Joomla framework updated and the installed applications updated. Some of these applications are paid subscription-based and are included in the pricing. Sometimes there are server level updates, such as a PHP upgrade. Sometimes there are minor content or menu link updates on the website.

Reliable Website Maintenance and Online Marketing Results

Marketing a website on the Internet would be a full-time job for someone without explicit knowledge of online marketing and access to tools and resources. Website marketing includes on-site variables like content SEO and hidden coded metadata for the search engines. It includes directory listings and social media profiles. Some of these systems can be automated with Business Consulting. Someone should always be available reply to reviews and comments.
One Monthly Payment for All-Inclusive Website Management Service
Business Sundry also has a knowledge base (KB) on the Business Sundry website with website industry terms, details of the website development processes, checklist for online marketing, and a mountain of reference links and resources.